#ethan dolan  blurbs


Type: One shot | short fanfic about Ethan Dolan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,597
Warning: -

I felt as if I was caught in the middle. Could I end this mission before things go to dangerous? I didn’t have any answers but I knew I needed to stay focus. I slipped my jacket over my shoulders as I went downstairs. I grabbed my bag opening the door seeing Ethan leaning against his car. I smiled slightly as I locked the door before making my way to him. He grabbed my hand pulling me close to him, I rested my hand against his chest as I looked at him. He leaned in slightly allowing his lips to touch mine slightly. I smiled against his lips before kissing him softly, his hand gripping my hip. I moved my hand from his chest to against his neck, keeping him close to me. He slightly pulled away smirking slightly as he rested his forehead against mine. I bite my lip slightly as he pulled away, he was good at making me want him. He opened the car door for me allowing me to get in, shutting the door making sure I was fully in. I watched him get into the car, starting the car so the heat would turn on.

“So where are we going?” I asked.

“Skate park” he said as he put the car in drive.

“Sounds fun” I looked at him.

I studied him while we drove to the skate park. I was mainly focused on how to actually go through with the kill plan. Even thought I wanted to be in the moment with him, I knew I needed to focus. I sat on the benched and watched him skate, from time to time I would take pictures. Of course there were times that he would fall. He came over to me reaching for my hand, I smiled as I took his hand following him. He helped me onto the skateboard, holding my hands to make sure I wouldn’t fall. I kept my grip on his hands as we started to move. I trusted him so I wasn’t afraid to fall, I knew that he would always be there to catch me.

“You are getting better” he smiled as he looked up at me.

“Because of you” I leaned over wanting to kiss him but I ended up falling against him.

He wrapped his arms around me keeping me standing up so we both wouldn’t fall. I giggled slightly as I looked up at him, finally standing on my own. I leaned back over placing my lips against his softly kissing him. I could feel him smile against my lips as he tighten his grip on me. I slowly pulled away from the kiss looking at him. I brushed the hair from his face as he opened his eyes, our eyes meeting. Once again as I looked into his eyes the whole mission vanished from my mind and all that mattered was him. I stepped off the skateboard as he kept his arms around me. I leaned up slightly peeling his lips softly before pulling away.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, Can we catch up later? I have work to get too” I looked at him.

“Sure, I’ll drop you off, ” he took my hand in his.

“Thank you, ” I smiled as I walked with him.

He opened the car door allowing me to get inside. He entered the other side, pulling me closer to him. I loved that he had a truck which allowed us to get closer. I played with his free hand as we drove towards my apartment. I rested my head against his shoulders, breathing in his scent. I closed my eyes just enjoying our time together before I knew it, we were at my apartment. I pulled away from him, kissing his cheek softly. Of course he turned his head, placing his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss, pulling on his bottom lip before getting out of the truck. I watched him pull off as my phone started to go off. I looked down and saw who was calling, I could feel my heart rate pick up. I answered it expecting to get yelled out and the conversation was full of that. I got into my car and drove to the office, I knew things wouldn’t end well.

“Where are your notes?” my commander asked.

“A-at home” I swallowed hard.

“Solider 89 are you forgetting the mission?” he questioned.

“No, of course not, ” I looked down at the floor.

“Then where is his blood, notes? Have you done anything?” He demanded.

“It’s complicated” I closed my eyes not wanting to admit my feelings.

“Do we need to show you what we do?” he crossed his arms.

“No, ” I looked up.

I felt the soldiers grab me, pulling me into another room. I screamed for help but it was pointless, as the chains weighted me down. I tried to get free, but of course that was impossible. I closed my eyes, trying to prepare myself for the worst, I knew when people came into the room it didn’t end well. If it had to be my life besides Ethan than I was ok with that. I guess that I blacked out because I don’t remember anything, I woke up in a dark room. The chains were gone and what was left was cut and bruised. I felt the pain in my arm as I tried to stand up, my knees were weak. I opened the door and walked out with my head held high. I was determined that wouldn’t break me, I finally got to my car. The tears were building up in my eyes, but I just drove off. I finally pulled up to my apartment, trying to gather myself before getting out of the car. I finally got out of the car, walking up to the door when I heard a car door close. I jumped not really wanting to turn around to see who it was. I took a deep breath in as I got my keys out of my purse.

“Hey” Ethan said.

“E-Ethan?” I kept my back turned to him.

“I didn’t know when you were getting off, I thought we could see a movie or something,” he said.

“I’m sorry Ethan, I cant tonight” I took a deep breath in.

“Are you ok?” he questioned.

“Yeah​ just tired” I sighed.

“Look at me,” he said.

“Ethan please stop,” I said.

“You are not ok” he grabbed my arm, I yelped out in pain as he turned me to face him.

“Please stop” I closed my eyes.

“What happen?” He placed his hand against my cheek.

As I felt the warmth from his hand I let the tears go. He pulled me close to his chest as I cried against him. He kept his grip on me as I finally started to calm down. He titled my chin up looking over the bruises, his eyes made his way to my arm. He grabbed my wrist but I pulled back from the pain.

“We need to get you to a hospital” he spoke softly.

“Ill be fine” I didn’t want to admit that I needed help.

“No you wont be, you have lost too much blood” he said.

“Ethan” I looked up at him meeting his concerned eyes.

“Please just come with me, I wont leave you” he said.

“Ok” I finally agreed.

He lead me to the car grabbing a blanket from his trunk. He wrapped it around my arm trying to get the bleeding to stop. I held the towel around my arm as he drove us to the hospital. With my injuries they didn’t wait and just rushed me straight back to the emergency room. Ethan was outside in the waiting room waiting. I didnt want to file a report so after they stich my arm up I left the hospital. Ethan ran after me as I made my way to his car, I just wanted to go home and let this night be over with.

“Everything ok?” he finally caught up with me.

“Yea, just want to go home” I said.

“Alright, Ill take you home” he opened the door.

The ride home was silent, I guess we both didnt know what to say. We finally got back to my apartment, I invited him to stay the night. I just didnt want to be alone, right now he was my safe place. I grabbed his hand leading him up to my room, turning the lights off as he sat on the bed. He slipped his shirt off as well as his pants leaving him in his boxers. I bite my lip slightly as I looked over his body, I switched into something more comfortable. I loved the veiw of him laying back on my bed. I knew I could get used to this but will it last? I finally made my way to the bed laying next to him, resting my head against his chest. Tracing little patterns against his stomach as he pulled the blanket around us. I soon drifted off to sleep but nothing could prepare me for what was going to happen in the morning. I woke up without Ethan in the bed, I sat up looking around the room. His clothes were still on the floor so i guess he didn’t go far.

“Ethan?” I asked as I got up from the bed.

I made my way downstairs, the front door was wide open allowing the cold air in. I peeped outside and saw someone dragging Ethan away. His mouth was tapped but he was struggling to get away. I ran after them trying to get to them before they got to the car. I grabbed Ethan’s foot pulling as hard as I could. Well, at least I got the guys attention and made him stop dragging Ethan.

“STOP!” I yelled out.

“Solider 89 you knew this was going to happen” Solider 76 said.

“This is my mission, let me carry it out” I demanded.

“The boss has gotten tired of your games” 76 said.

“Please last night was a mistake, I’ll focus just let him go” I said.

“Fine, but don’t be surprised if they come after you” 76 finally let Ethan go.

“I’ll handle it” I stood up.

He finally left and I helped Ethan get back into the house. I removed the tape from his lips and I knew I had to explain but how could I turn this around? He sat in silence for a while, I guess he was trying to get his thoughts together. I sat there with him in silence with a million thoughts running through my mind. I didn’t know what he was going to ask first or what he was going to say. I sank into my seat as my stomach was doing flips, my nerves started to pick up as the room was still silent.

“What just happened?” Ethan finally broke the silence.

“It’s complicated” I sighed.

“Solider 89?” He looked at me.

“It’s my job” I looked at him.

“Why am I being kidnapped?” he questioned.

“It’s a misunderstanding, I’ll get it straight” I  answered.

“Is that who hurt you?” he asked.

“Like I said its complicated” I responded.

“Ok I trust you” he grabbed my hand.

“Thank you” I smiled slightly.

“But are they trying to kill me?” He asked.

“Of course not” I laughed slightly.

Only if he knew that I was supposed to be the one that was going to kill him. I rested my head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. I looked down at my arm seeing the stitches, I started to wonder what actually happened. He finally moved off the couch and went into the kitchen, I followed him. I sat at the kitchen table as he started to cook, I found myself just watching him. I wasn’t studying how he moved, but just how cute he was when he was cooking.

“Like what you see?” he looked over at me.

“Maybe, ” I smirked.

I got up from the table and made my way over to where he was at. I wrapped my arms around his waist, placing my head against his shoulders. He grabbed my hand as he leaned back towards me slightly. I kissed his shoulder softly moving slightly up his neck. He grabbed my arm pulling me in front of him. Placing his hand against my cheek leaning down slightly kissing me softly. I smiled against his lips wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabbed my hips picking me up placing me onto the counter top. He moved between my legs keeping his hands on my hips as he deepened the kiss. I placed my hand against his chest as I pulled away from the kiss slightly.

“Too fast?” he asked.

“Little bit” I nodded.

“Ok we take this at your pace” he peeked my lips slightly.

“Thank you” I placed my hand against his cheek.

After he fixed breakfast and we ate, he left to go back to the warehouse. I cracked down writing my notes and I pretty much knew his weakness. I knew I needed to delay this as long as I could. I knew I had at least a year to finish the mission so somehow I knew I needed to get out of it. Maybe we could disappear, maybe I could fake my death. There was just something that I needed to do so Ethan wouldn’t lose his life. We hung out mainly every day unless he was busy with his brother making videos. I didn’t want to be in any videos and he respected that, I just loved being with him. After about a month we made it official. I never had a person that made me question my job, my missions. I loved getting blood on my hand, taking the life of someone else was something I couldn’t explain. Ethan was different, I guess somehow I needed to change and he was the one to do it.

“You just want to watch? Your sure you don’t want to be in it?” he asked.

“Yes Im sure E” I smiled as I sat down.

“Alright babe” he kissed me softly before going to make a video.

I watched them make the video and I couldn’t stop laughing. The door to the warehouse flew open and a solider was there. Before I could get up they grabbed Grayson thinking it was Ethan. They dragged him out of the warehouse as Ethan was coming back into the room. Of course Ethan ran after them and I ran outside with them. By the time we got outside the van was gone and so was Grayson.

“WHAT JUST HAPPEN?” Ethan said.

“They took Grayson” I said.


“I-I” I started to say.


“I could tell you where they are taking him” I said.

“Put it in my phone NOW and then get out of my face” he said.

I put the address into his phone, he took the phone and left. I stood there watching the car disappear in the distance. It was like I was frozen and couldn’t move. I couldn’t believe everything that was happening, I needed to end this but would it be too late for Grayson?
